Tesseract  3.02
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* -*-C-*-
00002  ********************************************************************************
00003  *
00004  * File:        blobs.h  (Formerly blobs.h)
00005  * Description:  Blob definition
00006  * Author:       Mark Seaman, OCR Technology
00007  * Created:      Fri Oct 27 15:39:52 1989
00008  * Modified:     Thu Mar 28 15:33:38 1991 (Mark Seaman) marks@hpgrlt
00009  * Language:     C
00010  * Package:      N/A
00011  * Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute)
00012  *
00013  * (c) Copyright 1989, Hewlett-Packard Company.
00014  ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00015  ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00016  ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
00017  ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00018  ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00019  ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00020  ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00021  ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00022  ** limitations under the License.
00023  *
00024  *********************************************************************************/
00026 #ifndef BLOBS_H
00027 #define BLOBS_H
00029 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
00030               I n c l u d e s
00031 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00032 #include "clst.h"
00033 #include "rect.h"
00034 #include "vecfuncs.h"
00036 class BLOCK;
00037 class C_BLOB;
00038 class DENORM;
00039 class ROW;
00040 class WERD;
00042 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
00043               T y p e s
00044 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00045 #define EDGEPTFLAGS     4        /*concavity,length etc. */
00047 typedef struct
00048 {                                /* Widths of pieces */
00049   int num_chars;
00050   int widths[1];
00053 struct TPOINT {
00054   TPOINT(): x(0), y(0) {}
00055   TPOINT(inT16 vx, inT16 vy) : x(vx), y(vy) {}
00056   TPOINT(const ICOORD &ic) : x(ic.x()), y(ic.y()) {}
00058   void operator+=(const TPOINT& other) {
00059     x += other.x;
00060     y += other.y;
00061   }
00062   void operator/=(int divisor) {
00063     x /= divisor;
00064     y /= divisor;
00065   }
00067   inT16 x;                       // absolute x coord.
00068   inT16 y;                       // absolute y coord.
00069 };
00070 typedef TPOINT VECTOR;           // structure for coordinates.
00072 struct EDGEPT {
00073   EDGEPT() : next(NULL), prev(NULL) {
00074     memset(flags, 0, EDGEPTFLAGS * sizeof(flags[0]));
00075   }
00076   EDGEPT(const EDGEPT& src) : next(NULL), prev(NULL) {
00077     CopyFrom(src);
00078   }
00079   EDGEPT& operator=(const EDGEPT& src) {
00080     CopyFrom(src);
00081     return *this;
00082   }
00083   // Copies the data elements, but leaves the pointers untouched.
00084   void CopyFrom(const EDGEPT& src) {
00085     pos = src.pos;
00086     vec = src.vec;
00087     memcpy(flags, src.flags, EDGEPTFLAGS * sizeof(flags[0]));
00088   }
00089   // Accessors to hide or reveal a cut edge from feature extractors.
00090   void Hide() {
00091     flags[0] = true;
00092   }
00093   void Reveal() {
00094     flags[0] = false;
00095   }
00096   bool IsHidden() const {
00097     return flags[0] != 0;
00098   }
00100   TPOINT pos;                    // position
00101   VECTOR vec;                    // vector to next point
00102   // TODO(rays) Remove flags and replace with
00103   // is_hidden, runlength, dir, and fixed. The only use
00104   // of the flags other than is_hidden is in polyaprx.cpp.
00105   char flags[EDGEPTFLAGS];       // concavity, length etc
00106   EDGEPT* next;                  // anticlockwise element
00107   EDGEPT* prev;                  // clockwise element
00108 };
00110 // For use in chop and findseam to keep a list of which EDGEPTs were inserted.
00113 struct TESSLINE {
00114   TESSLINE() : is_hole(false), loop(NULL), next(NULL) {}
00115   TESSLINE(const TESSLINE& src) : loop(NULL), next(NULL) {
00116     CopyFrom(src);
00117   }
00118   ~TESSLINE() {
00119     Clear();
00120   }
00121   TESSLINE& operator=(const TESSLINE& src) {
00122     CopyFrom(src);
00123     return *this;
00124   }
00125   // Consume the circular list of EDGEPTs to make a TESSLINE.
00126   static TESSLINE* BuildFromOutlineList(EDGEPT* outline);
00127   // Copies the data and the outline, but leaves next untouched.
00128   void CopyFrom(const TESSLINE& src);
00129   // Deletes owned data.
00130   void Clear();
00131   // Normalize in-place using the DENORM.
00132   void Normalize(const DENORM& denorm);
00133   // Rotates by the given rotation in place.
00134   void Rotate(const FCOORD rotation);
00135   // Moves by the given vec in place.
00136   void Move(const ICOORD vec);
00137   // Scales by the given factor in place.
00138   void Scale(float factor);
00139   // Sets up the start and vec members of the loop from the pos members.
00140   void SetupFromPos();
00141   // Recomputes the bounding box from the points in the loop.
00142   void ComputeBoundingBox();
00143   // Computes the min and max cross product of the outline points with the
00144   // given vec and returns the results in min_xp and max_xp. Geometrically
00145   // this is the left and right edge of the outline perpendicular to the
00146   // given direction, but to get the distance units correct, you would
00147   // have to divide by the modulus of vec.
00148   void MinMaxCrossProduct(const TPOINT vec, int* min_xp, int* max_xp) const;
00150   TBOX bounding_box() const;
00151   // Returns true if the point is contained within the outline box.
00152   bool Contains(const TPOINT& pt) {
00153     return topleft.x <= pt.x && pt.x <= botright.x &&
00154            botright.y <= pt.y && pt.y <= topleft.y;
00155   }
00157   void plot(ScrollView* window, ScrollView::Color color,
00158             ScrollView::Color child_color);
00160   int BBArea() const {
00161     return (botright.x - topleft.x) * (topleft.y - botright.y);
00162   }
00164   TPOINT topleft;                // Top left of loop.
00165   TPOINT botright;               // Bottom right of loop.
00166   TPOINT start;                  // Start of loop.
00167   bool is_hole;                  // True if this is a hole/child outline.
00168   EDGEPT *loop;                  // Edgeloop.
00169   TESSLINE *next;                // Next outline in blob.
00170 };                               // Outline structure.
00172 struct TBLOB {
00173   TBLOB() : outlines(NULL), next(NULL) {}
00174   TBLOB(const TBLOB& src) : outlines(NULL), next(NULL) {
00175     CopyFrom(src);
00176   }
00177   ~TBLOB() {
00178     Clear();
00179   }
00180   TBLOB& operator=(const TBLOB& src) {
00181     CopyFrom(src);
00182     return *this;
00183   }
00184   // Factory to build a TBLOB from a C_BLOB with polygonal
00185   // approximation along the way.
00186   static TBLOB* PolygonalCopy(C_BLOB* src);
00187   // Normalizes the blob for classification only if needed.
00188   // (Normally this means a non-zero classify rotation.)
00189   // If no Normalization is needed, then NULL is returned, and the denorm is
00190   // unchanged. Otherwise a new TBLOB is returned and the denorm points to
00191   // a new DENORM. In this case, both the TBLOB and DENORM must be deleted.
00192   TBLOB* ClassifyNormalizeIfNeeded(const DENORM** denorm) const;
00193   // Copies the data and the outlines, but leaves next untouched.
00194   void CopyFrom(const TBLOB& src);
00195   // Deletes owned data.
00196   void Clear();
00197   // Normalize in-place using the DENORM.
00198   void Normalize(const DENORM& denorm);
00199   // Rotates by the given rotation in place.
00200   void Rotate(const FCOORD rotation);
00201   // Moves by the given vec in place.
00202   void Move(const ICOORD vec);
00203   // Scales by the given factor in place.
00204   void Scale(float factor);
00205   // Recomputes the bounding boxes of the outlines.
00206   void ComputeBoundingBoxes();
00208   // Returns the number of outlines.
00209   int NumOutlines() const;
00211   TBOX bounding_box() const;
00213   void plot(ScrollView* window, ScrollView::Color color,
00214             ScrollView::Color child_color);
00216   int BBArea() const {
00217     int total_area = 0;
00218     for (TESSLINE* outline = outlines; outline != NULL; outline = outline->next)
00219       total_area += outline->BBArea();
00220     return total_area;
00221   }
00223   TESSLINE *outlines;            // List of outlines in blob.
00224   TBLOB *next;                   // Next blob in block.
00225 };                               // Blob structure.
00227 int count_blobs(TBLOB *blobs);
00229 struct TWERD {
00230   TWERD() : blobs(NULL), latin_script(false), next(NULL) {}
00231   TWERD(const TWERD& src) : blobs(NULL), next(NULL) {
00232     CopyFrom(src);
00233   }
00234   ~TWERD() {
00235     Clear();
00236   }
00237   TWERD& operator=(const TWERD& src) {
00238     CopyFrom(src);
00239     return *this;
00240   }
00241   // Factory to build a TWERD from a (C_BLOB) WERD, with polygonal
00242   // approximation along the way.
00243   static TWERD* PolygonalCopy(WERD* src);
00244   // Setup for Baseline normalization, recording the normalization in the
00245   // DENORM, but doesn't do any normalization.
00246   void SetupBLNormalize(const BLOCK* block, const ROW* row,
00247                         float x_height, bool numeric_mode,
00248                         DENORM* denorm) const;
00249   // Normalize in-place using the DENORM.
00250   void Normalize(const DENORM& denorm);
00251   // Copies the data and the blobs, but leaves next untouched.
00252   void CopyFrom(const TWERD& src);
00253   // Deletes owned data.
00254   void Clear();
00255   // Recomputes the bounding boxes of the blobs.
00256   void ComputeBoundingBoxes();
00258   // Returns the number of blobs in the word.
00259   int NumBlobs() const {
00260     return count_blobs(blobs);
00261   }
00262   TBOX bounding_box() const;
00264   // Merges the blobs from start to end, not including end, and deletes
00265   // the blobs between start and end.
00266   void MergeBlobs(int start, int end);
00268   void plot(ScrollView* window);
00270   TBLOB* blobs;                  // blobs in word.
00271   bool latin_script;             // This word is in a latin-based script.
00272   TWERD* next;                   // next word.
00273 };
00275 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
00276               M a c r o s
00277 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00278 /**********************************************************************
00279  * free_widths
00280  *
00281  * Free the memory taken up by a width array.
00282  **********************************************************************/
00283 #define free_widths(w)  \
00284 if (w) memfree (w)
00286 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
00287               F u n c t i o n s
00288 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00289 // TODO(rays) This will become a member of TBLOB when TBLOB's definition
00290 // moves to blobs.h
00292 // Returns the center of blob's bounding box in origin.
00293 void blob_origin(TBLOB *blob, TPOINT *origin);
00295                                  /*blob to compute on */
00296 WIDTH_RECORD *blobs_widths(TBLOB *blobs);
00298 bool divisible_blob(TBLOB *blob, bool italic_blob, TPOINT* location);
00300 void divide_blobs(TBLOB *blob, TBLOB *other_blob, bool italic_blob,
00301                   const TPOINT& location);
00303 #endif