Tesseract  3.02
tesseract-ocr/classify/mfdefs.cpp File Reference
#include "mfdefs.h"
#include "emalloc.h"
#include <math.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


MICROFEATURE NewMicroFeature ()
void FreeMicroFeatures (MICROFEATURES MicroFeatures)

Function Documentation

void FreeMicroFeatures ( MICROFEATURES  MicroFeatures)

Definition at line 45 of file mfdefs.cpp.

 **     Parameters:
 **             MicroFeatures   list of micro-features to be freed
 **     Globals: none
 **     Operation:
 **             This routine deallocates all of the memory consumed by
 **             a list of micro-features.
 **     Return: none
 **     Exceptions: none
 **     History: 7/27/89, DSJ, Created.
  destroy_nodes(MicroFeatures, Efree); 
}                                /* FreeMicroFeatures */
MICROFEATURE NewMicroFeature ( )

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Include Files and Type Defines ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Code ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 29 of file mfdefs.cpp.

 **     Parameters: none
 **     Globals: none
 **     Operation:
 **             This routine allocates and returns a new micro-feature
 **             data structure.
 **     Return: New micro-feature.
 **     Exceptions: none
 **     History: 7/27/89, DSJ, Created.
  return ((MICROFEATURE) Emalloc (sizeof (MFBLOCK)));
}                                /* NewMicroFeature */