Tesseract  3.02
tesseract-ocr/ccstruct/boxread.cpp File Reference
#include "mfcpch.h"
#include "boxread.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "rect.h"
#include "strngs.h"
#include "tprintf.h"
#include "unichar.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


FILE * OpenBoxFile (const STRING &fname)
bool ReadNextBox (int *line_number, FILE *box_file, STRING *utf8_str, TBOX *bounding_box)
bool ReadNextBox (int target_page, int *line_number, FILE *box_file, STRING *utf8_str, TBOX *bounding_box)
bool ParseBoxFileStr (const char *boxfile_str, int *page_number, STRING *utf8_str, TBOX *bounding_box)
void MakeBoxFileStr (const char *unichar_str, const TBOX &box, int page_num, STRING *box_str)

Function Documentation

void MakeBoxFileStr ( const char *  unichar_str,
const TBOX box,
int  page_num,
STRING box_str 

Definition at line 155 of file boxread.cpp.

  *box_str = unichar_str;
  box_str->add_str_int(" ", box.left());
  box_str->add_str_int(" ", box.bottom());
  box_str->add_str_int(" ", box.right());
  box_str->add_str_int(" ", box.top());
  box_str->add_str_int(" ", page_num);
FILE* OpenBoxFile ( const STRING fname)

Definition at line 33 of file boxread.cpp.

  STRING filename = fname;
  const char *lastdot = strrchr(filename.string(), '.');
  if (lastdot != NULL)
    filename[lastdot - filename.string()] = '\0';

  filename += ".box";
  FILE* box_file = NULL;
  if (!(box_file = fopen(filename.string(), "rb"))) {
    CANTOPENFILE.error("read_next_box", TESSEXIT,
                       "Cant open box file %s",
  return box_file;
bool ParseBoxFileStr ( const char *  boxfile_str,
int *  page_number,
STRING utf8_str,
TBOX bounding_box 

Definition at line 105 of file boxread.cpp.

  *bounding_box = TBOX();       // Initialize it to empty.
  *utf8_str = "";
  char uch[kBoxReadBufSize];
  const char *buffptr = boxfile_str;
  // Read the unichar without messing up on Tibetan.
  // According to issue 253 the utf-8 surrogates 85 and A0 are treated
  // as whitespace by sscanf, so it is more reliable to just find
  // ascii space and tab.
  int uch_len = 0;
  while (*buffptr != '\0' && *buffptr != ' ' && *buffptr != '\t' &&
         uch_len < kBoxReadBufSize - 1) {
    uch[uch_len++] = *buffptr++;
  uch[uch_len] = '\0';
  if (*buffptr != '\0') ++buffptr;
  int x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max;
  *page_number = 0;
  int count = sscanf(buffptr, "%d %d %d %d %d",
                 &x_min, &y_min, &x_max, &y_max, page_number);
  if (count != 5 && count != 4) {
    tprintf("Bad box coordinates in boxfile string!\n");
    return false;
  // Test for long space-delimited string label.
  if (strcmp(uch, kMultiBlobLabelCode) == 0 &&
      (buffptr = strchr(buffptr, '#')) != NULL) {
    strncpy(uch, buffptr + 1, kBoxReadBufSize);
    uch_len = strlen(uch);
  // Validate UTF8 by making unichars with it.
  int used = 0;
  while (used < uch_len) {
    UNICHAR ch(uch + used, uch_len - used);
    int new_used = ch.utf8_len();
    if (new_used == 0) {
      tprintf("Bad UTF-8 str %s starts with 0x%02x at col %d\n",
              uch + used, uch[used], used + 1);
      return false;
    used += new_used;
  *utf8_str = uch;
  bounding_box->set_to_given_coords(x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max);
  return true;  // Successfully read a box.
bool ReadNextBox ( int *  line_number,
FILE *  box_file,
STRING utf8_str,
TBOX bounding_box 

Definition at line 59 of file boxread.cpp.

  return ReadNextBox(-1, line_number, box_file, utf8_str, bounding_box);
bool ReadNextBox ( int  target_page,
int *  line_number,
FILE *  box_file,
STRING utf8_str,
TBOX bounding_box 

Definition at line 67 of file boxread.cpp.

  int page = 0;
  char buff[kBoxReadBufSize];   // boxfile read buffer
  char *buffptr = buff;

  while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff) - 1, box_file)) {

    buffptr = buff;
    const unsigned char *ubuf = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(buffptr);
    if (ubuf[0] == 0xef && ubuf[1] == 0xbb && ubuf[2] == 0xbf)
      buffptr += 3;  // Skip unicode file designation.
    // Check for blank lines in box file
    while (*buffptr == ' ' || *buffptr == '\t')
    if (*buffptr != '\0') {
      if (!ParseBoxFileStr(buffptr, &page, utf8_str, bounding_box)) {
        tprintf("Box file format error on line %i; ignored\n", *line_number);
      if (target_page >= 0 && target_page != page)
        continue;  // Not on the appropriate page.
      return true;  // Successfully read a box.
  return false;  // EOF