Tesseract  3.02
tesseract-ocr/classify/clusttool.h File Reference
#include "host.h"
#include "cluster.h"
#include <stdio.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define ILLEGALMEANSPEC   5006
#define ILLEGALFLOAT   5009


uinT16 ReadSampleSize (FILE *File)
PARAM_DESCReadParamDesc (FILE *File, uinT16 N)
PROTOTYPEReadPrototype (FILE *File, uinT16 N)
PROTOSTYLE ReadProtoStyle (FILE *File)
FLOAT32ReadNFloats (FILE *File, uinT16 N, FLOAT32 Buffer[])
void WriteParamDesc (FILE *File, uinT16 N, PARAM_DESC ParamDesc[])
void WritePrototype (FILE *File, uinT16 N, PROTOTYPE *Proto)
void WriteNFloats (FILE *File, uinT16 N, FLOAT32 Array[])
void WriteProtoStyle (FILE *File, PROTOSTYLE ProtoStyle)
void WriteProtoList (FILE *File, uinT16 N, PARAM_DESC ParamDesc[], LIST ProtoList, BOOL8 WriteSigProtos, BOOL8 WriteInsigProtos)

Define Documentation


Definition at line 58 of file clusttool.h.


Definition at line 65 of file clusttool.h.


Definition at line 67 of file clusttool.h.

#define ILLEGALFLOAT   5009

Definition at line 66 of file clusttool.h.

#define ILLEGALMEANSPEC   5006

Definition at line 63 of file clusttool.h.


Definition at line 59 of file clusttool.h.


Definition at line 62 of file clusttool.h.


Definition at line 57 of file clusttool.h.


Definition at line 60 of file clusttool.h.


Definition at line 61 of file clusttool.h.


Definition at line 64 of file clusttool.h.

Function Documentation

FLOAT32* ReadNFloats ( FILE *  File,
uinT16  N,
FLOAT32  Buffer[] 

ReadNFloats ************************************************************* Parameters: File open text file to read floats from N number of floats to read Buffer pointer to buffer to place floats into Globals: None Operation: This routine reads N floats from the specified text file and places them into Buffer. If Buffer is NULL, a buffer is created and passed back to the caller. If EOF is encountered before any floats can be read, NULL is returned. Return: Pointer to buffer holding floats or NULL if EOF Exceptions: ILLEGALFLOAT History: 6/6/89, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 286 of file clusttool.cpp.

  int i;
  int NumFloatsRead;

  if (Buffer == NULL)
    Buffer = (FLOAT32 *) Emalloc (N * sizeof (FLOAT32));

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    NumFloatsRead = fscanf (File, "%f", &(Buffer[i]));
    if (NumFloatsRead != 1) {
      if ((NumFloatsRead == EOF) && (i == 0))
        return (NULL);
        DoError (ILLEGALFLOAT, "Illegal float specification");
  return (Buffer);
}                                // ReadNFloats
PARAM_DESC* ReadParamDesc ( FILE *  File,
uinT16  N 

ReadParamDesc ************************************************************* Parameters: File open text file to read N parameter descriptions from N number of parameter descriptions to read Globals: None Operation: This routine reads textual descriptions of sets of parameters which describe the characteristics of feature dimensions. Return: Pointer to an array of parameter descriptors. Exceptions: ILLEGALCIRCULARSPEC ILLEGALESSENTIALSPEC ILLEGALMINMAXSPEC History: 6/6/89, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 68 of file clusttool.cpp.

  int i;
  PARAM_DESC *ParamDesc;
  char Token[TOKENSIZE];

  ParamDesc = (PARAM_DESC *) Emalloc (N * sizeof (PARAM_DESC));
  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    if (fscanf (File, "%s", Token) != 1)
        "Illegal circular/linear specification");
    if (Token[0] == 'c')
      ParamDesc[i].Circular = TRUE;
      ParamDesc[i].Circular = FALSE;

    if (fscanf (File, "%s", Token) != 1)
        "Illegal essential/non-essential spec");
    if (Token[0] == 'e')
      ParamDesc[i].NonEssential = FALSE;
      ParamDesc[i].NonEssential = TRUE;
    if (fscanf (File, "%f%f", &(ParamDesc[i].Min), &(ParamDesc[i].Max)) !=
      DoError (ILLEGALMINMAXSPEC, "Illegal min or max specification");
    ParamDesc[i].Range = ParamDesc[i].Max - ParamDesc[i].Min;
    ParamDesc[i].HalfRange = ParamDesc[i].Range / 2;
    ParamDesc[i].MidRange = (ParamDesc[i].Max + ParamDesc[i].Min) / 2;
  return (ParamDesc);
}                                // ReadParamDesc
PROTOSTYLE ReadProtoStyle ( FILE *  File)

Definition at line 244 of file clusttool.cpp.

  char Token[TOKENSIZE];

  if (fscanf (File, "%s", Token) != 1)
    DoError (ILLEGALSTYLESPEC, "Illegal prototype style specification");
  switch (Token[0]) {
    case 's':
      Style = spherical;
    case 'e':
      Style = elliptical;
    case 'm':
      Style = mixed;
    case 'a':
      Style = automatic;
      Style = elliptical;
      DoError (ILLEGALSTYLESPEC, "Illegal prototype style specification");
  return (Style);
}                                // ReadProtoStyle
PROTOTYPE* ReadPrototype ( FILE *  File,
uinT16  N 

ReadPrototype ************************************************************* Parameters: File open text file to read prototype from N number of dimensions used in prototype Globals: None Operation: This routine reads a textual description of a prototype from the specified file. Return: List of prototypes Exceptions: ILLEGALSIGNIFICANCESPEC ILLEGALSAMPLECOUNT ILLEGALMEANSPEC ILLEGALVARIANCESPEC ILLEGALDISTRIBUTION History: 6/6/89, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 115 of file clusttool.cpp.

  char Token[TOKENSIZE];
  int Status;
  int SampleCount;
  int i;

  if ((Status = fscanf (File, "%s", Token)) == 1) {
    Proto = (PROTOTYPE *) Emalloc (sizeof (PROTOTYPE));
    Proto->Cluster = NULL;
    if (Token[0] == 's')
      Proto->Significant = TRUE;
      Proto->Significant = FALSE;

    Proto->Style = ReadProtoStyle (File);

    if ((fscanf (File, "%d", &SampleCount) != 1) || (SampleCount < 0))
      DoError (ILLEGALSAMPLECOUNT, "Illegal sample count");
    Proto->NumSamples = SampleCount;

    Proto->Mean = ReadNFloats (File, N, NULL);
    if (Proto->Mean == NULL)
      DoError (ILLEGALMEANSPEC, "Illegal prototype mean");

    switch (Proto->Style) {
      case spherical:
        if (ReadNFloats (File, 1, &(Proto->Variance.Spherical)) == NULL)
          DoError (ILLEGALVARIANCESPEC, "Illegal prototype variance");
        Proto->Magnitude.Spherical =
          1.0 / sqrt ((double) (2.0 * PI * Proto->Variance.Spherical));
        Proto->TotalMagnitude =
          pow (Proto->Magnitude.Spherical, (float) N);
        Proto->LogMagnitude = log ((double) Proto->TotalMagnitude);
        Proto->Weight.Spherical = 1.0 / Proto->Variance.Spherical;
        Proto->Distrib = NULL;
      case elliptical:
        Proto->Variance.Elliptical = ReadNFloats (File, N, NULL);
        if (Proto->Variance.Elliptical == NULL)
          DoError (ILLEGALVARIANCESPEC, "Illegal prototype variance");
        Proto->Magnitude.Elliptical =
          (FLOAT32 *) Emalloc (N * sizeof (FLOAT32));
        Proto->Weight.Elliptical =
          (FLOAT32 *) Emalloc (N * sizeof (FLOAT32));
        Proto->TotalMagnitude = 1.0;
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
          Proto->Magnitude.Elliptical[i] =
            1.0 /
            sqrt ((double) (2.0 * PI * Proto->Variance.Elliptical[i]));
          Proto->Weight.Elliptical[i] =
            1.0 / Proto->Variance.Elliptical[i];
          Proto->TotalMagnitude *= Proto->Magnitude.Elliptical[i];
        Proto->LogMagnitude = log ((double) Proto->TotalMagnitude);
        Proto->Distrib = NULL;
      case mixed:
        Proto->Distrib =
          (DISTRIBUTION *) Emalloc (N * sizeof (DISTRIBUTION));
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
          if (fscanf (File, "%s", Token) != 1)
              "Illegal prototype distribution");
          switch (Token[0]) {
            case 'n':
              Proto->Distrib[i] = normal;
            case 'u':
              Proto->Distrib[i] = uniform;
            case 'r':
              Proto->Distrib[i] = D_random;
              DoError (ILLEGALDISTRIBUTION,
                "Illegal prototype distribution");
        Proto->Variance.Elliptical = ReadNFloats (File, N, NULL);
        if (Proto->Variance.Elliptical == NULL)
          DoError (ILLEGALVARIANCESPEC, "Illegal prototype variance");
        Proto->Magnitude.Elliptical =
          (FLOAT32 *) Emalloc (N * sizeof (FLOAT32));
        Proto->Weight.Elliptical =
          (FLOAT32 *) Emalloc (N * sizeof (FLOAT32));
        Proto->TotalMagnitude = 1.0;
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
          switch (Proto->Distrib[i]) {
            case normal:
              Proto->Magnitude.Elliptical[i] = 1.0 /
                sqrt ((double)
                (2.0 * PI * Proto->Variance.Elliptical[i]));
              Proto->Weight.Elliptical[i] =
                1.0 / Proto->Variance.Elliptical[i];
            case uniform:
            case D_random:
              Proto->Magnitude.Elliptical[i] = 1.0 /
                (2.0 * Proto->Variance.Elliptical[i]);
            case DISTRIBUTION_COUNT:
              ASSERT_HOST(!"Distribution count not allowed!");
          Proto->TotalMagnitude *= Proto->Magnitude.Elliptical[i];
        Proto->LogMagnitude = log ((double) Proto->TotalMagnitude);
    return (Proto);
  else if (Status == EOF)
    return (NULL);
  else {
    DoError (ILLEGALSIGNIFICANCESPEC, "Illegal significance specification");
    return (NULL);
}                                // ReadPrototype
uinT16 ReadSampleSize ( FILE *  File)

ReadSampleSize *********************************************************** Parameters: File open text file to read sample size from Globals: None Operation: This routine reads a single integer from the specified file and checks to ensure that it is between 0 and MAXSAMPLESIZE. Return: Sample size Exceptions: ILLEGALSAMPLESIZE illegal format or range History: 6/6/89, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 46 of file clusttool.cpp.

  int SampleSize;

  if ((fscanf (File, "%d", &SampleSize) != 1) ||
    (SampleSize < 0) || (SampleSize > MAXSAMPLESIZE))
    DoError (ILLEGALSAMPLESIZE, "Illegal sample size");
  return (SampleSize);
}                                // ReadSampleSize
void WriteNFloats ( FILE *  File,
uinT16  N,
FLOAT32  Array[] 

WriteNFloats *********************************************************** Parameters: File open text file to write N floats to N number of floats to write Array array of floats to write Globals: None Operation: This routine writes a text representation of N floats from an array to a file. All of the floats are placed on one line. Return: None Exceptions: None History: 6/6/89, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 399 of file clusttool.cpp.

  for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
    fprintf(File, " %9.6f", Array[i]);
  fprintf(File, "\n");
}                                // WriteNFloats
void WriteParamDesc ( FILE *  File,
uinT16  N,
PARAM_DESC  ParamDesc[] 

WriteParamDesc ************************************************************ Parameters: File open text file to write param descriptors to N number of param descriptors to write ParamDesc array of param descriptors to write Globals: None Operation: This routine writes an array of dimension descriptors to the specified text file. Return: None Exceptions: None History: 6/6/89, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 318 of file clusttool.cpp.

  int i;

  for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
    if (ParamDesc[i].Circular)
      fprintf (File, "circular ");
      fprintf (File, "linear   ");

    if (ParamDesc[i].NonEssential)
      fprintf (File, "non-essential ");
      fprintf (File, "essential     ");

    fprintf (File, "%10.6f %10.6f\n", ParamDesc[i].Min, ParamDesc[i].Max);
}                                // WriteParamDesc
void WriteProtoList ( FILE *  File,
uinT16  N,
PARAM_DESC  ParamDesc[],
LIST  ProtoList,
BOOL8  WriteSigProtos,
BOOL8  WriteInsigProtos 

Definition at line 435 of file clusttool.cpp.

  PROTOTYPE     *Proto;

  /* write file header */

  /* write prototypes */
      Proto = (PROTOTYPE *) first_node ( ProtoList );
      if (( Proto->Significant && WriteSigProtos )      ||
          ( ! Proto->Significant && WriteInsigProtos ) )
        WritePrototype( File, N, Proto );
}       /* WriteProtoList */
void WriteProtoStyle ( FILE *  File,

WriteProtoSyle ********************************************************** Parameters: File open text file to write prototype style to ProtoStyle prototype style to write Globals: None Operation: This routine writes to the specified text file a word which represents the ProtoStyle. It does not append a carriage return to the end. Return: None Exceptions: None History: 6/8/89, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 417 of file clusttool.cpp.

  switch (ProtoStyle) {
    case spherical:
      fprintf (File, "spherical");
    case elliptical:
      fprintf (File, "elliptical");
    case mixed:
      fprintf (File, "mixed");
    case automatic:
      fprintf (File, "automatic");
}                                // WriteProtoStyle
void WritePrototype ( FILE *  File,
uinT16  N,

WritePrototype ************************************************************ Parameters: File open text file to write prototype to N number of dimensions in feature space Proto prototype to write out Globals: None Operation: This routine writes a textual description of a prototype to the specified text file. Return: None Exceptions: None History: 6/12/89, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 348 of file clusttool.cpp.

  int i;

  if (Proto->Significant)
    fprintf (File, "significant   ");
    fprintf (File, "insignificant ");
  WriteProtoStyle (File, (PROTOSTYLE) Proto->Style);
  fprintf (File, "%6d\n\t", Proto->NumSamples);
  WriteNFloats (File, N, Proto->Mean);
  fprintf (File, "\t");

  switch (Proto->Style) {
    case spherical:
      WriteNFloats (File, 1, &(Proto->Variance.Spherical));
    case elliptical:
      WriteNFloats (File, N, Proto->Variance.Elliptical);
    case mixed:
      for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
      switch (Proto->Distrib[i]) {
        case normal:
          fprintf (File, " %9s", "normal");
        case uniform:
          fprintf (File, " %9s", "uniform");
        case D_random:
          fprintf (File, " %9s", "random");
          ASSERT_HOST(!"Distribution count not allowed!");
      fprintf (File, "\n\t");
      WriteNFloats (File, N, Proto->Variance.Elliptical);
}                                // WritePrototype