Tesseract  3.02
tesseract-ocr/training/mergenf.cpp File Reference
#include "mergenf.h"
#include "host.h"
#include "efio.h"
#include "clusttool.h"
#include "cluster.h"
#include "oldlist.h"
#include "protos.h"
#include "ndminx.h"
#include "ocrfeatures.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "featdefs.h"
#include "intproto.h"
#include "params.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


FLOAT32 CompareProtos (PROTO p1, PROTO p2)
void ComputeMergedProto (PROTO p1, PROTO p2, FLOAT32 w1, FLOAT32 w2, PROTO MergedProto)
int FindClosestExistingProto (CLASS_TYPE Class, int NumMerged[], PROTOTYPE *Prototype)
void MakeNewFromOld (PROTO New, PROTOTYPE *Old)

Compare a feature to a prototype. Print the result.

FLOAT32 SubfeatureEvidence (FEATURE Feature, PROTO Proto)

Return the new type of evidence number corresponding to this distance value. This number is no longer based on the chi squared approximation. The equation that represents the transform is: 1 / (1 + (sim / midpoint) ^ curl)

double EvidenceOf (double Similarity)
BOOL8 DummyFastMatch (FEATURE Feature, PROTO Proto)
void ComputePaddedBoundingBox (PROTO Proto, FLOAT32 TangentPad, FLOAT32 OrthogonalPad, FRECT *BoundingBox)
BOOL8 PointInside (FRECT *Rectangle, FLOAT32 X, FLOAT32 Y)


double training_angle_match_scale = 1.0
double training_similarity_midpoint = 0.0075
double training_similarity_curl = 2.0
double training_tangent_bbox_pad = 0.5
double training_orthogonal_bbox_pad = 2.5
double training_angle_pad = 45.0

Function Documentation

FLOAT32 CompareProtos ( PROTO  p1,
PROTO  p2 

Compare protos p1 and p2 and return an estimate of the worst evidence rating that will result for any part of p1 that is compared to p2. In other words, if p1 were broken into pico-features and each pico-feature was matched to p2, what is the worst evidence rating that will be achieved for any pico-feature.

p1,p2protos to be compared

Globals: none

Worst possible result when matching p1 to p2.
Exceptions: none
History: Mon Nov 26 08:27:53 1990, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 67 of file mergenf.cpp.

  FEATURE Feature;
  FLOAT32 WorstEvidence = WORST_EVIDENCE;
  FLOAT32 Evidence;
  FLOAT32 Angle, Length;

  /* if p1 and p2 are not close in length, don't let them match */
  Length = fabs (p1->Length - p2->Length);
    return (0.0);

  /* create a dummy pico-feature to be used for comparisons */
  Feature = NewFeature (&PicoFeatDesc);
  Feature->Params[PicoFeatDir] = p1->Angle;

  /* convert angle to radians */
  Angle = p1->Angle * 2.0 * PI;

  /* find distance from center of p1 to 1/2 picofeat from end */
  Length = p1->Length / 2.0 - GetPicoFeatureLength () / 2.0;
  if (Length < 0) Length = 0;

  /* set the dummy pico-feature at one end of p1 and match it to p2 */
  Feature->Params[PicoFeatX] = p1->X + cos (Angle) * Length;
  Feature->Params[PicoFeatY] = p1->Y + sin (Angle) * Length;
  if (DummyFastMatch (Feature, p2)) {
    Evidence = SubfeatureEvidence (Feature, p2);
    if (Evidence < WorstEvidence)
      WorstEvidence = Evidence;
  } else {
    return 0.0;

  /* set the dummy pico-feature at the other end of p1 and match it to p2 */
  Feature->Params[PicoFeatX] = p1->X - cos (Angle) * Length;
  Feature->Params[PicoFeatY] = p1->Y - sin (Angle) * Length;
  if (DummyFastMatch (Feature, p2)) {
    Evidence = SubfeatureEvidence (Feature, p2);
    if (Evidence < WorstEvidence)
      WorstEvidence = Evidence;
  } else {
    return 0.0;

  FreeFeature (Feature);
  return (WorstEvidence);

} /* CompareProtos */
void ComputeMergedProto ( PROTO  p1,
PROTO  p2,
FLOAT32  w1,
FLOAT32  w2,
PROTO  MergedProto 

This routine computes a proto which is the weighted average of protos p1 and p2. The new proto is returned in MergedProto.

p1,p2protos to be merged
w1,w2weight of each proto
MergedProtoplace to put resulting merged proto

Globals: none

none (results are returned in MergedProto)
Exceptions: none
History: Mon Nov 26 08:15:08 1990, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 133 of file mergenf.cpp.

  FLOAT32 TotalWeight;

  TotalWeight = w1 + w2;
  w1 /= TotalWeight;
  w2 /= TotalWeight;

  MergedProto->X = p1->X * w1 + p2->X * w2;
  MergedProto->Y = p1->Y * w1 + p2->Y * w2;
  MergedProto->Length = p1->Length * w1 + p2->Length * w2;
  MergedProto->Angle = p1->Angle * w1 + p2->Angle * w2;
} /* ComputeMergedProto */
void ComputePaddedBoundingBox ( PROTO  Proto,
FLOAT32  TangentPad,
FLOAT32  OrthogonalPad,
FRECT BoundingBox 

This routine computes a bounding box that encloses the specified proto along with some padding. The amount of padding is specified as separate distances in the tangential and orthogonal directions.

Protoproto to compute bounding box for
TangentPadamount of pad to add in direction of segment
OrthogonalPadamount of pad to add orthogonal to segment
[out]BoundingBoxplace to put results

Globals: none

none (results are returned in BoundingBox)
Exceptions: none
History: Wed Nov 14 14:55:30 1990, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 318 of file mergenf.cpp.

  FLOAT32 Pad, Length, Angle;
  FLOAT32 CosOfAngle, SinOfAngle;

  Length     = Proto->Length / 2.0 + TangentPad;
  Angle      = Proto->Angle * 2.0 * PI;
  CosOfAngle = fabs(cos(Angle));
  SinOfAngle = fabs(sin(Angle));

  Pad = MAX (CosOfAngle * Length, SinOfAngle * OrthogonalPad);
  BoundingBox->MinX = Proto->X - Pad;
  BoundingBox->MaxX = Proto->X + Pad;

  Pad = MAX(SinOfAngle * Length, CosOfAngle * OrthogonalPad);
  BoundingBox->MinY = Proto->Y - Pad;
  BoundingBox->MaxY = Proto->Y + Pad;

} /* ComputePaddedBoundingBox */
BOOL8 DummyFastMatch ( FEATURE  Feature,
PROTO  Proto 

This routine returns TRUE if Feature would be matched by a fast match table built from Proto.

Featurefeature to be "fast matched" to proto
Protoproto being "fast matched" against


  • training_tangent_bbox_pad bounding box pad tangent to proto
  • training_orthogonal_bbox_pad bounding box pad orthogonal to proto
TRUE if feature could match Proto.
Exceptions: none
History: Wed Nov 14 17:19:58 1990, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 276 of file mergenf.cpp.

  FRECT   BoundingBox;
  FLOAT32 MaxAngleError;
  FLOAT32 AngleError;

  MaxAngleError = training_angle_pad / 360.0;
  AngleError = fabs (Proto->Angle - Feature->Params[PicoFeatDir]);
  if (AngleError > 0.5)
    AngleError = 1.0 - AngleError;

  if (AngleError > MaxAngleError)
    return (FALSE);

  ComputePaddedBoundingBox (Proto,
    training_tangent_bbox_pad * GetPicoFeatureLength (),
    training_orthogonal_bbox_pad * GetPicoFeatureLength (),

  return PointInside(&BoundingBox, Feature->Params[PicoFeatX],
} /* DummyFastMatch */
double EvidenceOf ( double  Similarity)

Definition at line 247 of file mergenf.cpp.


  Similarity /= training_similarity_midpoint;

  if (training_similarity_curl == 3)
    Similarity = Similarity * Similarity * Similarity;
  else if (training_similarity_curl == 2)
    Similarity = Similarity * Similarity;
    Similarity = pow (Similarity, training_similarity_curl);

  return (1.0 / (1.0 + Similarity));
int FindClosestExistingProto ( CLASS_TYPE  Class,
int  NumMerged[],
PROTOTYPE Prototype 

This routine searches thru all of the prototypes in Class and returns the id of the proto which would provide the best approximation of Prototype. If no close approximation can be found, NO_PROTO is returned.

Classclass to search for matching old proto in
NumMerged# of protos merged into each proto of Class
Prototypenew proto to find match for

Globals: none

Id of closest proto in Class or NO_PROTO.
Exceptions: none
History: Sat Nov 24 11:42:58 1990, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 167 of file mergenf.cpp.

  PROTO_STRUCT  MergedProto;
  int   Pid;
  PROTO   Proto;
  int   BestProto;
  FLOAT32 BestMatch;
  FLOAT32 Match, OldMatch, NewMatch;

  MakeNewFromOld (&NewProto, Prototype);

  BestProto = NO_PROTO;
  for (Pid = 0; Pid < Class->NumProtos; Pid++) {
    Proto  = ProtoIn(Class, Pid);
    ComputeMergedProto(Proto, &NewProto,
      (FLOAT32) NumMerged[Pid], 1.0, &MergedProto);
    OldMatch = CompareProtos(Proto, &MergedProto);
    NewMatch = CompareProtos(&NewProto, &MergedProto);
    Match = MIN(OldMatch, NewMatch);
    if (Match > BestMatch) {
      BestProto = Pid;
      BestMatch = Match;
  return BestProto;
} /* FindClosestExistingProto */
void MakeNewFromOld ( PROTO  New,

This fills in the fields of the New proto based on the fields of the Old proto.

Newnew proto to be filled in
Oldold proto to be converted

Globals: none

Exceptions: none History: Mon Nov 26 09:45:39 1990, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 208 of file mergenf.cpp.

  New->X = CenterX(Old->Mean);
  New->Y = CenterY(Old->Mean);
  New->Length = LengthOf(Old->Mean);
  New->Angle = OrientationOf(Old->Mean);
} /* MakeNewFromOld */
BOOL8 PointInside ( FRECT Rectangle,

Return TRUE if point (X,Y) is inside of Rectangle.

Globals: none

TRUE if point (X,Y) is inside of Rectangle.
Exceptions: none
History: Wed Nov 14 17:26:35 1990, DSJ, Created.

Definition at line 347 of file mergenf.cpp.

  if (X < Rectangle->MinX) return (FALSE);
  if (X > Rectangle->MaxX) return (FALSE);
  if (Y < Rectangle->MinY) return (FALSE);
  if (Y > Rectangle->MaxY) return (FALSE);
  return (TRUE);

} /* PointInside */
FLOAT32 SubfeatureEvidence ( FEATURE  Feature,
PROTO  Proto 

Definition at line 223 of file mergenf.cpp.

  float       Distance;
  float       Dangle;

  Dangle   = Proto->Angle - Feature->Params[PicoFeatDir];
  if (Dangle < -0.5) Dangle += 1.0;
  if (Dangle >  0.5) Dangle -= 1.0;
  Dangle *= training_angle_match_scale;

  Distance = Proto->A * Feature->Params[PicoFeatX] +
    Proto->B * Feature->Params[PicoFeatY] +

  return (EvidenceOf (Distance * Distance + Dangle * Dangle));

Variable Documentation

"Angle Match Scale ..."

Definition at line 38 of file mergenf.cpp.

double training_angle_pad = 45.0

"Angle pad ..."

Definition at line 49 of file mergenf.cpp.

"Orthogonal bounding box pad ..."

Definition at line 47 of file mergenf.cpp.

"Similarity Curl ..."

Definition at line 42 of file mergenf.cpp.

"Similarity Midpoint ..."

Definition at line 40 of file mergenf.cpp.

"Tangent bounding box pad ..."

Definition at line 45 of file mergenf.cpp.