Tesseract  3.02
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /**********************************************************************
00002  * File:        char_altlist.h
00003  * Description: Declaration of a Character Alternate List Class
00004  * Author:    Ahmad Abdulkader
00005  * Created:   2007
00006  *
00007  * (C) Copyright 2008, Google Inc.
00008  ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00009  ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00010  ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
00011  ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00012  ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00013  ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00014  ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00015  ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00016  ** limitations under the License.
00017  *
00018  **********************************************************************/
00020 #ifndef CHAR_ALT_LIST_H
00021 #define CHAR_ALT_LIST_H
00023 // The CharAltList class holds the list of class alternates returned from
00024 // a character classifier. Each alternate represents a class ID.
00025 // It inherits from the AltList class.
00026 // The CharAltList owns a CharSet object that maps a class-id to a string.
00028 #include "altlist.h"
00029 #include "char_set.h"
00031 namespace tesseract {
00032 class CharAltList : public AltList {
00033  public:
00034   CharAltList(const CharSet *char_set, int max_alt = kMaxCharAlt);
00035   ~CharAltList();
00037   // Sort the alternate list based on cost
00038   void Sort();
00039   // insert a new alternate with the specified class-id, cost and tag
00040   bool Insert(int class_id, int cost, void *tag = NULL);
00041   // returns the cost of a specific class ID
00042   inline int ClassCost(int class_id) const {
00043     if (class_id_cost_ == NULL ||
00044         class_id < 0 ||
00045         class_id >= char_set_->ClassCount()) {
00046       return WORST_COST;
00047     }
00048     return class_id_cost_[class_id];
00049   }
00050   // returns the alternate class-id corresponding to an alternate index
00051   inline int Alt(int alt_idx) const { return class_id_alt_[alt_idx]; }
00052   // set the cost of a certain alternate
00053   void SetAltCost(int alt_idx, int cost) {
00054     alt_cost_[alt_idx] = cost;
00055     class_id_cost_[class_id_alt_[alt_idx]] = cost;
00056   }
00058  private:
00059   // character set object. Passed at construction time
00060   const CharSet *char_set_;
00061   // array of alternate class-ids
00062   int *class_id_alt_;
00063   // array of alternate costs
00064   int *class_id_cost_;
00065   // default max count of alternates
00066   static const int kMaxCharAlt = 256;
00067 };
00068 }
00070 #endif  // CHAR_ALT_LIST_H