Tesseract  3.02
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /* -*-C-*-
00002  ********************************************************************************
00003  *
00004  * File:        pieces.c  (Formerly pieces.c)
00005  * Description:
00006  * Author:       Mark Seaman, OCR Technology
00007  * Created:      Fri Oct 16 14:37:00 1987
00008  * Modified:     Mon May 20 12:12:35 1991 (Mark Seaman) marks@hpgrlt
00009  * Language:     C
00010  * Package:      N/A
00011  * Status:       Reusable Software Component
00012  *
00013  * (c) Copyright 1987, Hewlett-Packard Company.
00014  ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00015  ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00016  ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
00017  ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00018  ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00019  ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00020  ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00021  ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00022  ** limitations under the License.
00023  *
00024  *********************************************************************************/
00025 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
00026           I n c l u d e s
00027 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00029 #include "blobs.h"
00030 #include "freelist.h"
00031 #include "helpers.h"
00032 #include "matchtab.h"
00033 #include "matrix.h"
00034 #include "ndminx.h"
00035 #include "plotseg.h"
00036 #include "ratngs.h"
00037 #include "seam.h"
00038 #include "states.h"
00039 #include "wordclass.h"
00040 #include "wordrec.h"
00042 // Include automatically generated configuration file if running autoconf.
00043 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
00044 #include "config_auto.h"
00045 #endif
00047 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
00048           F u n c t i o n s
00049 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00052 /**********************************************************************
00053  * bounds_of_piece
00054  *
00055  * Find the bounds of the piece that will be created by joining the
00056  * requested collection of pieces together.
00057  **********************************************************************/
00058 TBOX bounds_of_piece(TBOX *bounds, inT16 start, inT16 end) {
00059   TBOX all_together = bounds[start];
00060   for (int x = start + 1; x <= end; x++) {
00061     all_together += bounds[x];
00062   }
00063   return all_together;
00064 }
00067 /**********************************************************************
00068  * classify_piece
00069  *
00070  * Create a larger piece from a collection of smaller ones.  Classify
00071  * it and return the results.  Take the large piece apart to leave
00072  * the collection of small pieces un modified.
00073  **********************************************************************/
00074 namespace tesseract {
00075 BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *Wordrec::classify_piece(TBLOB *pieces,
00076                                           const DENORM& denorm,
00077                                           SEAMS seams,
00078                                           inT16 start,
00079                                           inT16 end,
00080                                           BlamerBundle *blamer_bundle) {
00081   BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *choices;
00082   TBLOB *blob;
00083   inT16 x;
00085   join_pieces(pieces, seams, start, end);
00086   for (blob = pieces, x = 0; x < start; x++) {
00087     blob = blob->next;
00088   }
00089   choices = classify_blob(blob, denorm, "pieces:", White, blamer_bundle);
00091   break_pieces(blob, seams, start, end);
00093   if (wordrec_display_segmentations > 2) {
00094     STATE current_state;
00095     SEARCH_STATE chunk_groups;
00096     set_n_ones (&current_state, array_count(seams));
00097     chunk_groups = bin_to_chunks(&current_state, array_count(seams));
00098     display_segmentation(pieces, chunk_groups);
00099     window_wait(segm_window);
00100     memfree(chunk_groups);
00101   }
00102 #endif
00104   return (choices);
00105 }
00107 template<class BLOB_CHOICE>
00108 int SortByUnicharID(const void *void1, const void *void2) {
00109   const BLOB_CHOICE *p1 = *reinterpret_cast<const BLOB_CHOICE * const *>(void1);
00110   const BLOB_CHOICE *p2 = *reinterpret_cast<const BLOB_CHOICE * const *>(void2);
00112   return p1->unichar_id() - p2->unichar_id();
00113 }
00115 template<class BLOB_CHOICE>
00116 int SortByRating(const void *void1, const void *void2) {
00117   const BLOB_CHOICE *p1 = *reinterpret_cast<const BLOB_CHOICE * const *>(void1);
00118   const BLOB_CHOICE *p2 = *reinterpret_cast<const BLOB_CHOICE * const *>(void2);
00120   if (p1->rating() < p2->rating())
00121     return 1;
00122   return -1;
00123 }
00126 /**********************************************************************
00127  * fill_filtered_fragment_list
00128  *
00129  * Filter the fragment list so that the filtered_choices only contain
00130  * fragments that are in the correct position. choices is the list
00131  * that we are going to filter. fragment_pos is the position in the
00132  * fragment that we are looking for and num_frag_parts is the the
00133  * total number of pieces. The result will be appended to
00134  * filtered_choices.
00135  **********************************************************************/
00136 void Wordrec::fill_filtered_fragment_list(BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *choices,
00137                                           int fragment_pos,
00138                                           int num_frag_parts,
00139                                           BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *filtered_choices) {
00140   BLOB_CHOICE_IT filtered_choices_it(filtered_choices);
00141   BLOB_CHOICE_IT choices_it(choices);
00143   for (choices_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !choices_it.cycled_list();
00144        choices_it.forward()) {
00145     UNICHAR_ID choice_unichar_id = choices_it.data()->unichar_id();
00146     const CHAR_FRAGMENT *frag = unicharset.get_fragment(choice_unichar_id);
00148     if (frag != NULL && frag->get_pos() == fragment_pos &&
00149         frag->get_total() == num_frag_parts) {
00150       // Recover the unichar_id of the unichar that this fragment is
00151       // a part of
00152       BLOB_CHOICE *b = new BLOB_CHOICE(*choices_it.data());
00153       int original_unichar = unicharset.unichar_to_id(frag->get_unichar());
00154       b->set_unichar_id(original_unichar);
00155       filtered_choices_it.add_to_end(b);
00156     }
00157   }
00159   filtered_choices->sort(SortByUnicharID<BLOB_CHOICE>);
00160 }
00163 /**********************************************************************
00164  * merge_and_put_fragment_lists
00165  *
00166  * Merge the fragment lists in choice_lists and append it to the
00167  * ratings matrix.
00168  **********************************************************************/
00169 void Wordrec::merge_and_put_fragment_lists(inT16 row, inT16 column,
00170                                            inT16 num_frag_parts,
00171                                            BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *choice_lists,
00172                                            MATRIX *ratings) {
00173   BLOB_CHOICE_IT *choice_lists_it = new BLOB_CHOICE_IT[num_frag_parts];
00175   for (int i = 0; i < num_frag_parts; i++) {
00176     choice_lists_it[i].set_to_list(&choice_lists[i]);
00177     choice_lists_it[i].mark_cycle_pt();
00178   }
00180   BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *merged_choice = ratings->get(row, column);
00181   if (merged_choice == NULL)
00182     merged_choice = new BLOB_CHOICE_LIST;
00184   bool end_of_list = false;
00185   BLOB_CHOICE_IT merged_choice_it(merged_choice);
00186   while (!end_of_list) {
00187     // Find the maximum unichar_id of the current entry the iterators
00188     // are pointing at
00189     UNICHAR_ID max_unichar_id = choice_lists_it[0].data()->unichar_id();
00190     int max_list = 0;
00191     for (int i = 0; i < num_frag_parts; i++) {
00192       UNICHAR_ID unichar_id = choice_lists_it[i].data()->unichar_id();
00193       if (max_unichar_id < unichar_id) {
00194         max_unichar_id = unichar_id;
00195         max_list = i;
00196       }
00197     }
00199     // Move the each iterators until it gets to an entry that has a
00200     // value greater than or equal to max_unichar_id
00201     for (int i = 0; i < num_frag_parts; i++) {
00202       UNICHAR_ID unichar_id = choice_lists_it[i].data()->unichar_id();
00203       while (!choice_lists_it[i].cycled_list() &&
00204              unichar_id < max_unichar_id) {
00205         choice_lists_it[i].forward();
00206         unichar_id = choice_lists_it[i].data()->unichar_id();
00207       }
00208       if (choice_lists_it[i].cycled_list()) {
00209         end_of_list = true;
00210         break;
00211       }
00212     }
00214     if (end_of_list)
00215       break;
00217     // Checks if the fragments are parts of the same character
00218     UNICHAR_ID first_unichar_id = choice_lists_it[0].data()->unichar_id();
00219     bool same_unichar = true;
00220     for (int i = 1; i < num_frag_parts; i++) {
00221       UNICHAR_ID unichar_id = choice_lists_it[i].data()->unichar_id();
00222       if (unichar_id != first_unichar_id) {
00223         same_unichar = false;
00224         break;
00225       }
00226     }
00228     if (same_unichar) {
00229       // Add the merged character to the result
00230       UNICHAR_ID merged_unichar_id = first_unichar_id;
00231       inT16 merged_fontinfo_id = choice_lists_it[0].data()->fontinfo_id();
00232       inT16 merged_fontinfo_id2 = choice_lists_it[0].data()->fontinfo_id2();
00233       inT16 merged_min_xheight = choice_lists_it[0].data()->min_xheight();
00234       inT16 merged_max_xheight = choice_lists_it[0].data()->max_xheight();
00235       int merged_script_id = choice_lists_it[0].data()->script_id();
00236       bool merged_adapted = choice_lists_it[0].data()->adapted();
00238       float merged_rating = 0, merged_certainty = 0;
00239       for (int i = 0; i < num_frag_parts; i++) {
00240         float rating = choice_lists_it[i].data()->rating();
00241         float certainty = choice_lists_it[i].data()->certainty();
00243         if (i == 0 || certainty < merged_certainty)
00244           merged_certainty = certainty;
00245         merged_rating += rating;
00247         choice_lists_it[i].forward();
00248         if (choice_lists_it[i].cycled_list())
00249           end_of_list = true;
00250         IntersectRange(choice_lists_it[i].data()->min_xheight(),
00251                        choice_lists_it[i].data()->max_xheight(),
00252                        &merged_min_xheight, &merged_max_xheight);
00253       }
00255       merged_choice_it.add_to_end(new BLOB_CHOICE(merged_unichar_id,
00256                                                   merged_rating,
00257                                                   merged_certainty,
00258                                                   merged_fontinfo_id,
00259                                                   merged_fontinfo_id2,
00260                                                   merged_script_id,
00261                                                   merged_min_xheight,
00262                                                   merged_max_xheight,
00263                                                   merged_adapted));
00264     }
00265   }
00267   if (classify_debug_level)
00268     print_ratings_list("Merged Fragments", merged_choice,
00269                        unicharset);
00271   if (merged_choice->empty())
00272     delete merged_choice;
00273   else
00274     ratings->put(row, column, merged_choice);
00276   delete [] choice_lists_it;
00277 }
00280 /**********************************************************************
00281  * get_fragment_lists
00282  *
00283  * Recursively go through the ratings matrix to find lists of fragments
00284  * to be merged in the function merge_and_put_fragment_lists.
00285  * current_frag is the postion of the piece we are looking for.
00286  * current_row is the row in the rating matrix we are currently at.
00287  * start is the row we started initially, so that we can know where
00288  * to append the results to the matrix. num_frag_parts is the total
00289  * number of pieces we are looking for and num_blobs is the size of the
00290  * ratings matrix.
00291  **********************************************************************/
00292 void Wordrec::get_fragment_lists(inT16 current_frag, inT16 current_row,
00293                                  inT16 start, inT16 num_frag_parts,
00294                                  inT16 num_blobs, MATRIX *ratings,
00295                                  BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *choice_lists) {
00296   if (current_frag == num_frag_parts) {
00297     merge_and_put_fragment_lists(start, current_row - 1, num_frag_parts,
00298                                  choice_lists, ratings);
00299     return;
00300   }
00302   for (inT16 x = current_row; x < num_blobs; x++) {
00303     BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *choices = ratings->get(current_row, x);
00304     if (choices == NULL)
00305       continue;
00307     fill_filtered_fragment_list(choices, current_frag, num_frag_parts,
00308                                 &choice_lists[current_frag]);
00309     if (!choice_lists[current_frag].empty()) {
00310       get_fragment_lists(current_frag + 1, x + 1, start, num_frag_parts,
00311                          num_blobs, ratings, choice_lists);
00312       choice_lists[current_frag].clear();
00313     }
00314   }
00315 }
00318 /**********************************************************************
00319  * merge_fragments
00320  *
00321  * Try to merge fragments in the ratings matrix and put the result in
00322  * the corresponding row and column
00323  **********************************************************************/
00324 void Wordrec::merge_fragments(MATRIX *ratings, inT16 num_blobs) {
00325   BLOB_CHOICE_LIST choice_lists[CHAR_FRAGMENT::kMaxChunks];
00326   for (inT16 start = 0; start < num_blobs; start++) {
00327     for (int frag_parts = 2; frag_parts <= CHAR_FRAGMENT::kMaxChunks;
00328          frag_parts++) {
00329       get_fragment_lists(0, start, start, frag_parts, num_blobs,
00330                          ratings, choice_lists);
00331     }
00332   }
00334   // Delete fragments from the rating matrix
00335   for (inT16 x = 0; x < num_blobs; x++) {
00336     for (inT16 y = x; y < num_blobs; y++) {
00337       BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *choices = ratings->get(x, y);
00338       if (choices != NULL) {
00339         BLOB_CHOICE_IT choices_it(choices);
00340         for (choices_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !choices_it.cycled_list();
00341              choices_it.forward()) {
00342           UNICHAR_ID choice_unichar_id = choices_it.data()->unichar_id();
00343           const CHAR_FRAGMENT *frag =
00344               unicharset.get_fragment(choice_unichar_id);
00345           if (frag != NULL)
00346             delete choices_it.extract();
00347         }
00348       }
00349     }
00350   }
00351 }
00354 /**********************************************************************
00355  * get_piece_rating
00356  *
00357  * Check to see if this piece has already been classified.  If it has
00358  * return that rating.  Otherwise build the piece from the smaller
00359  * pieces, classify it, store the rating for later, and take the piece
00360  * apart again.
00361  **********************************************************************/
00362 BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *Wordrec::get_piece_rating(MATRIX *ratings,
00363                                             TBLOB *blobs,
00364                                             const DENORM& denorm,
00365                                             SEAMS seams,
00366                                             inT16 start,
00367                                             inT16 end,
00368                                             BlamerBundle *blamer_bundle) {
00369   BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *choices = ratings->get(start, end);
00370   if (choices == NOT_CLASSIFIED) {
00371     choices = classify_piece(blobs,
00372                              denorm,
00373                              seams,
00374                              start,
00375                              end,
00376                              blamer_bundle);
00377     ratings->put(start, end, choices);
00378     if (wordrec_debug_level > 1) {
00379       tprintf("get_piece_rating(): updated ratings matrix\n");
00380       ratings->print(getDict().getUnicharset());
00381     }
00382   }
00383   return (choices);
00384 }
00387 /**********************************************************************
00388  * record_blob_bounds
00389  *
00390  * Set up and initialize an array that holds the bounds of a set of
00391  * blobs.  Caller should delete[] the array.
00392  **********************************************************************/
00393 TBOX *Wordrec::record_blob_bounds(TBLOB *blobs) {
00394   int nblobs = count_blobs(blobs);
00395   TBOX *bboxes = new TBOX[nblobs];
00397   inT16 x = 0;
00398   for (TBLOB* blob = blobs; blob != NULL; blob = blob->next) {
00399     bboxes[x] = blob->bounding_box();
00400     x++;
00401   }
00402   return bboxes;
00403 }
00406 /**********************************************************************
00407  * record_piece_ratings
00408  *
00409  * Save the choices for all the pieces that have been classified into
00410  * a matrix that can be used to look them up later.  A two dimensional
00411  * matrix is created.  The indices correspond to the starting and
00412  * ending initial piece number.
00413  **********************************************************************/
00414 MATRIX *Wordrec::record_piece_ratings(TBLOB *blobs) {
00415   inT16 num_blobs = count_blobs(blobs);
00416   TBOX *bounds = record_blob_bounds(blobs);
00417   MATRIX *ratings = new MATRIX(num_blobs);
00419   for (int x = 0; x < num_blobs; x++) {
00420     for (int y = x; y < num_blobs; y++) {
00421       TBOX piecebox = bounds_of_piece(bounds, x, y);
00422       BLOB_CHOICE_LIST *choices = blob_match_table.get_match_by_box(piecebox);
00423       if (choices != NULL) {
00424         ratings->put(x, y, choices);
00425       }
00426     }
00427   }
00429   if (merge_fragments_in_matrix)
00430     merge_fragments(ratings, num_blobs);
00432   delete []bounds;
00433   return ratings;
00434 }
00436 }  // namespace tesseract